How Companies Can Be Brighter and More Colorful

Hello my lovely reader welcome back to another colorful week. I am so thankful to have the support and the positive feedback from you all. This post we will be talking about corporate social responsibility. Now many of you may not know that and it’s understandable because those three words don’t often go together.

Corporate social responsibility is when a company does something that is responsible to the world or to the people. Many companies chose to focus on sustainability and making sure their company uses less plastic or less fuel. Some companies chose to focus on social justices instead such as gender equality or world hunger. They can chose a number of things to focus on.

This company that I am looking at for this blog is a dairy company in Portland. The Sunshine Dairy company located in Portland was having some serious issues. They were having major issues with tagging and they kept hiring a graffiti removal company. The building that they work out of is a boring building. On the article that is posted by KATU 2 the issue of people tagging the building it is described as grey and boring which I found amazing.

In the article the writer of the article discusses how the company finally decided that hopefully getting some color and design on the building would make it so people would stop tagging the building.

The owners of the company decided that they would hire local graffiti and street artists. They wanted the building looking beautiful and colorful so it wasn’t so boring and appealing to tag and put offense wording or graphics on.

The company loved hiring these artists just because they were able to give back to these local artists and pay them for their wonderful art and then it makes Portland even more beautiful to have these art pieces being shown off for this small company.

Graffiti Arts company another organization that wants to do good

Another amazing company that is located in Portland that has a great mission is the Graffiti Arts. This company not only is commission but they also advocate for positive appropriate and beautiful graffiti. They understand that it does not last long so they also do pictures and videos of the work so it can last longer. They care how their work looks and giving street art a fair chance and making the environment a positive place and not having the negativity from tagging or anything else that is offensive.

paint process
Photo Credit: Graffiti Arts link here
basketball court mural
Photo Credit: Graffiti Arts
Atlanta Street Art Mural Campaign for Tik-Tok
Photo Credit: Graffiti Arts link to the article

That ends another blog. Thank you all for reading and staying through to see all of these amazing picture. I hope you enjoyed this post and please feel free to leave comments and give some likes. Stay tuned for the next post on Whiteaker and the beautiful art there! As always stay safe, stay colorful and go enjoy some beautiful art!

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